Rise, Sweat, Shine - The Complete 12 Week Guide

Introducing your new best friend! The Rise, Sweat, Shine, 12-week fitness guide.

I am so excited for this! It has been 5/6 months in the making. I am sure if you read my blog posts you will know that back in May/June, I was looking for 6 girls to try out my new workout programme I had created. This blog post is here if you would like to check it out. So this was the trial phase. I took the girls through the three months of training throughout lockdown and they loved it. The girls saw some awesome results in terms of weight loss and muscle tone/shape. All whilst doing it at home with access to minimum equipment, imagine the progress you will see if you take me to the gym with you and up your weights each session - sooo much!

So the e-book version is finally here! You essentially have me in your pocket as your trainer, and have access to the workouts that you can do anywhere, anytime. This will be an ideal program if we do go back into lockdown (fingers crossed we do not, but its good to be prepared).

What is included in the program?

- three levels of workouts that are each four weeks long, so total 3 months of workouts (and you can then start from the beginning, or alternate the workout weeks etc, so basically endless workouts!)
- delivered to you in an excel so you can track your reps, sets and weight
- 4/5 workouts per week, a mixture of strength and HIIT training for ultimate fat loss and muscle gain
- a private facebook group where I will post workout videos of all the exercises included in the program, as well as a lovely community of strong women to hold each other accountable. I will host live Q and A's in here at the beginning of each workout cycle.
- Macros and nutritional guidance on request. 

How much is it?

The programme is just £40 in total. The e-book, excel tracker, nutritional guidance/macro planning and private facebook community page are all included in the price. So it is a steal!

When can I purchase the programme?

The programme will be available for purchase on the 19th October. You will get sent your e-book and tracker straight away, the challenge is commencing 26th October, but you can start whenever you want! You will also be added to the facebook group straight away so we all have a chance to hype each other up and get to know one another before the challenge starts

Here is an excerpt I have written for the introduction of the e-book just to give you a little bit more insight into what this programme means to me and why I have created it:

“I want to take this opportunity to tell you a little bit about me, my values and what I want you to achieve from this programme and the community that comes along with it;

As I am sure you know I am a London Based Personal Trainer. My day job is looking after my private clients and creating personalised bespoke programmes for them and taking them through their sessions in the gym, online, outdoors etc. I also teach fitness classes, and I find this an amazing way to spread some cheer, positive vibes, and it helps me to reach a wider audience with my message.

 My goal is to help girls achieve their best versions of themselves. To become strong AF, healthy, fit, and only compare themselves to who they were yesterday. You are one in a billion and that is so powerful. How amazing is it that you can become the best version of you, and no one else can ever take that from you.

 Piling on this, everyone’s “healthy” is different – and I am here to help you find yours. What makes you the happiest in every aspect – body confidence, mentally, physically, energetically, socially etc.

This brings me on to why I created this programme – I want to reach as many people as I can, in an accessible way, so everyone can be a part of this journey. I want to help you find YOUR version of health.”

I have truly put my heart into this and I would be eternally grateful for any support you can give. I would love to see as many girls take part as possible. Let’s change our lives together for the better, and forever!

Hypothalamic Amenorrhea - how I am combating this condition

I am very nervous to talk about this as my whole livelihood is based around girls becoming the best and healthiest versions of themselves. However how can I help people if I am not my healthiest self. So it is time I make a change.

I wish I had someone to talk to about this/knew of someone who had been through this for as long as I have to be there for support, to know what to do, how long it takes to get your period back etc etc.

I have been suffering from Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (HA) for over a year now. For those who do not know what this is - this is a condition where you lose your period for at minimum of three months due to your hypothalamus not releasing enough GnRH, this can lead to very low oestrogen levels. HA can lead to many long term problems like bone density issues and fertility problems later down the line.

From numerous visits to the GP in the first few months, to blood tests, to scans - I was basically not really given any clear guidance of what was going on. My first few trips to the doctor I was told, oh it is normal don’t worry about it just give it a few more months stress can cause your period to go away but it will come back. It got to about 8 months down the line and I decided enough was enough I needed to find out what was going on and I was tired of being told to just “wait it out”. I went to a Women’s clinic and got literally everything tested from inside & out.

The only thing that didn’t come back normal was the fact I had a few cysts on one ovary, which apparently is not enough to be diagnosed with PCOS, and my oestrogen was very low. So again, Western medicine was a bit stumped, and the answer was ‘go back on the pill’. After almost a year of trying to get to the bottom of things, the result I was given was go back on the pill, this was completely disheartening.

After this, I was confident there must be some other way, so I booked myself in to have a consultation with a Naturopath and Nutritional Therapist. I am such a strong believer that food is fuel, so I decided I would use it as medicine too. I really wanted to get to the root cause of my condition and my naturopath helped me to dig deeper.

A conclusion was made that there were likely numerous factors that contributed to the onset of HA - one being cutting carbohydrates out of my diet completely for two weeks, and largely restricting them there after for a significant amount of time. I am not saying this was the exact cause, but this was definitely a catalyst. I also increased my exercise by a lot around the same time as I started doing my PT qualification, whilst just moving to a brand new country. So there were a lot of factors. However, severely cutting carbs out of my diet lead to my restriction behaviours with food that I am only just combatting now. Improper fuel, and too much exercise has ultimately lead to where I am today, still with no period.

I think I went from eating too little carbs, to eating too little fats when I started calorie counting and ultimately putting myself in deficits that were too little and totally unattainable for my body and lifestyle. So I would just end up overeating on bad foods on the weekends, and not nourishing my body with the healthy foods that I would eat during the week. And for my line of work, and passion (fitness) - food is absolutely essential for muscle recovery and growth. However I was just thrown into the whole instagram highlight reel seeing how other people ate and thinking, oh well if they can restrict that much and still be healthy then I must be able to - this is just a vicious cycle. Remember the best diet is the one you can adhere to, not the one that you see on someones highlight reel - and let me tell you that is probably 20% of their normal food intake.

The reason I wanted to bring my condition to light and make this public is because I am sure there are other girls out there who are in the same position and need support - I wish I had read something like this when I first lost my period. Just know you are not alone. Normal girls, with normal lives and normal bodies go through this too (this condition is usually seen in anorexics, ballerinas, gymnasts etc, anyone with basically 0% body fat).

It is so important for us to listen to our bodies, and I don’t want anyone else to have to go through what I am going through feeling uncertain, and letting it get to a point where the effects are almost irreversible, and harder to come back from. If you are in my position, over a year on with no period, you can get it back! You may just have to put in the work, and be okay with taking a step back, as well as gaining a few pounds. Shifting your mindset is the hardest part, especially when you have been dieting/over exercising for so long, you believe this is the way it is meant to be done. But your body is literally telling you that the way you are living your life means you are not fit to carry a baby. Something needs to change.

Here are the steps I am taking to help heal my body and gain back my cycle:

  • EATING what I want, when I am hungry, until I am satisfied. Now when I say what I want, I love eating healthy and my body craves healthy food, so I am nourishing my body, and am conscious of this - remember you have to use food as medicine. Roughly I am sitting anywhere between 2,000 - 2,500 calories per day. I have a very active job so this is probably around maintenance/just above for me.

  • Introducing more HEALTHY FATS into my diet. From trying the keto diet last year, I almost went the other way and basically cut out any form of fats from my diet for the fear of the caloric content. However, fats are absolutely essential for hormone growth, repair, and rebalancing. I have added 10g of flax seeds to my morning oats, as well as two brazil nuts per day as conscious change as these are phytoestrogens (oestrogen boosting foods). I have also started cooking in olive oil and coconut oil instead of using spray (and my food tastes so much better), lastly, I am not being so stingy with my avocado portions hehe. This is all I am doing in terms of increasing fats and it is making a massive difference. I feel satiated after every meal, do not feel the need to snack or binge, and I have more energy (fats are your long term energy store). On top of this my skin is bloody fantastic, huge bonus for me.

  • SUPPLEMENTS - introducing these slowly, just one every couple of days as I if I have any adverse reactions, I want to know what is causing this. I have started taking a Vitamin D supplement, a fish oil/evening primrose oil blend, I am also going to introduce some pre and probiotics, a hormone balancing supplement and an inflammation/stress easing supplement. I will touch more on these as I introduce them.

  • EXERCISE - this will be my biggest challenge, however my overexercising is a serious contribution to my HA. I absolutely love exercise and being active in every way, however the recommendation for me at the moment is to exercise three days a week and reduce my steps from 10,000 to 5,000 per day. This is not forever I am sure, but just until I have everything back on track. Considering I teach 12 classes a week, as well as have private clients, my job just requires me to basically be exercising all the time. This is why my food is so important and that is going to be my main focus. Hopefully when lockdown eases and gyms open again I will not be required to actually pretty much do all my classes, as most of them are online. At the moment, I am doing all of my classes purely bodyweight, on top of this I have just started resistance training again twice a week, with a bit of skipping here and there. This sounds like an awful lot still as I am writing it down, I still have work to do but its a slow process for me considering I am actually a fitness addict :’D

  • there are a few other little things I am implementing like educating myself with books, dry body brushing to boost circulation and reduce inflammation, little naps here and there if I feel tired etc etc etc.

I am very excited to document this, and I truly believe I will be able to get my cycle back without having to go back on the pill or doing anything artificial. I will document the whole process and anything new I learn from my experience and educating myself, as I would love to have had something like this from someone I know, or just to know that I was not alone and there are others around going through the same thing. So if you are, or know someone that is suffering from what they think might be HA, then please reach out, read this, and share with anyone who needs to read this. Even if you are not suffering, but you feel stressed, burned out, overworked, anxious - these are all signs that your body is telling you to slow down, take a break, and maybe there is something in your life you need to change, not forever, but for a little while. Our bodies talk to us and we mustn’t ignore what they have to say <3

Slowly sliding off the wagon

Slowly sliding off the wagon

This is the time of year where all of us are most likely to make our worst decisions when it comes to lifestyle choices, and I am guilty of this. It is important to recognise our indiscretions and hold ourselves accountable for our bad choices so we can catch them and make a change before its too late!

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The best diet that will get you the results you have been looking for

I have felt such a strong urge to write this post in the past few days as I feel I have not been completely honest about my food and diet journey, and what I am currently doing.

I have never ever been satisfied with the way I look - to be honest I don’t think anyone is. Especially in the line of work I have chosen, my body is basically my livelihood. A personal training career has always been my dream career - for as long as I can remember. And for the longest time, it was just that, a dream because I did not think my body fat percentage was low enough to be a PT, or my glutes were not big enough etc etc. There would always be a limiting belief created by myself that was standing in my way. So this stopped me from going after the career path I wanted. As a result of this, I partied too much, never dieted (I ate well, just probably too much, and the wrong food groups at the wrong times - my diet was basically 100% carbs and not much else). But I consistently showed up to the gym, and educated myself on weight training, because I just loved it, and the way it made me feel.

It was not until the beginning of this year, when I started working at a gym whilst looking for full time corporate work in London, that I actually thought - to be honest, I f**ing love it here and I feel like this is where I belong. As soon as I stepped in that gym, I just knew, and there was no turning back for me - I had to be a personal trainer. At this point I was seriously suffering with my skin issues as well, and I decided to really do some research into diets and what to eat to become shredded, that would clear my skin and give me all the energy in the world. Diets are glorified, trendy, and everyone wants to believe there is a quick fix to get them to where they want to be - so when you try and do research into optimal diets for fat loss - these are the first things you will come across. I fell right into this trap, and believed that I needed to be on some crazy restrictive diet to achieve my goals. So I basically tried out Keto on and off for 6 months, truly believing this was the answer to my fat loss conundrum. I am going to be honest, I saw great results very fast, I lost a load of weight in two weeks and my skin cleared up pretty much instantly. But I was f**ing miserable. I hated it, I was awful to be around, slowly my energy started deteriorating, I couldn’t lift as heavy as I usually would, I had no social life (which is depressing for a 22 y-o who has just moved back to London to be close to her friends), and every couple of weeks I would just go full out binge, my stomach was like an empty pit - then I would be back to square one and I would repeat the cycle again. This was really no way to live, and in my opinion, mental health is just as/if not more important than physical health, because if you are not mentally fit - you simply will not get where you want to be physically. Your mind is your most powerful muscle, if it is not keen, you wont do it.

The thing this little diet adventure did teach me however, was the importance of a balanced plate. I saw all those great results in the initial because my body had never really been used to eating a balanced macro plate in its life. So yes, increasing my protein intake and fat intake was great for my skin and my health, because our bodies thrive off this, but restricting carbs in the long run is just not something I can recommend - we need them to function, and we need them to be happy.

So from here, I decided that the carb restricting was just not for me. I then went on to believing that clean eating was THE way to achieve the figure I desired. Yes, clean eating makes you feel bloody great. I had energy again, my lifting significantly improved, I was losing weight, my skin stayed clear, I was fun to be around. But I still was not satisfied with my diet - I found every time I went out for dinner, or on holiday, no rules applied and I would still proceed to binge like crazy to the point where I felt sick. I thought it was because I was eating these unhealthy foods that my body was not used to, but in actual fact, I was honestly just stuffing myself, which ultimately was putting my body under stress.

So this takes me to where I am at now. I am going to be real, I am currently sitting at 20% body fat, which is such a healthy range for an average female. I am still trying to shed a little bit of fat, and it is working! But here is the thing, I am not actively trying, I have a goal in my head (I wont say what it is because that’s my personal goal), its not a dramatic decrease, I am just being mindful about not exceeding a certain amount of calories per day to keep me in a slight deficit that is sustainable and will help me reach my goal, and making sure I am hitting the macros that work for me. I am 99% certain I have PCOS so for me, it is good to save my carbohydrates for around my workouts. But other than that, I am just enjoying my food. I do love eating healthy, my body definitely thrives off this so I would say 80% of my diet is healthy, but if I feel like a glass of wine with my friends, I’m guna have it, if I want a date night, I’ll go for it, if I want to eat Kinder Bueno every day, I will (in moderation). I think the key is to enjoy what you are doing to get yourself to your healthy goal, be excited about it, and be excited about that treat here and there because you bloody deserve it for working hard.

I have honestly never been happier with my body than I am right now, I may not be the leanest Personal Trainer out there, but to me that is not what it is about. I do it because I want to help people, that is my true passion, I want to help people change their lives through what I truly love, and that is exercise and health.

And I believe my physique is attainable because I am the definition of your average girl. Doesn’t have abs, struggles to shift body fat and gain muscle quickly - but I have worked hard, and I have transformed my body, and I am very proud of what I have achieved, and I want to help other girls, in a world of unrealistic instagram goals - feel the same way. I am in no rush, I am just working towards a goal that is achievable for me, without decrementing my mental, social and physical health, but enhancing them.

A last note I want to put here before I will stop rambling on I promise is please do not compare yourself to what you see online. These teeny girls you see on Instagram are literally less than 1% of the population, they are not genetically normal, or they are putting themselves at risk to look like that. If you think of how many people you see face to face on a daily basis that look like that, the answer is probably less than a couple per week. Strive to be the best version of you, not someone else <3