How to: Get back on track after an indulgent holiday
/Seeing as we are now approaching the end of holiday season - I thought it would be a good idea to give you a few tips on getting back on track health and fitness wise after a holiday.
When getting back into it, I find being super strict with myself too overwhelming and it cause me to plateau. So from my experience it’s best to just jump straight back into my regular routine and not over restrict myself after the holiday, as this just causes me to go the other way and over indulge.
Here are a few tips I implement my first week back after a holiday:
Jump straight back into your routine the first full day back, even if its on a weekend. Get up early, cook yourself a healthy meal, go to the gym. Most of the time my first session back after a holiday is a great session because I am well rested and fuelled with lots of food.
Take 10 minutes out of your morning to write a to do list for the day, and the week. Don’t overload this list, but just add a few productive things you can do.
Once you have done this, spend another 10 minutes writing out a list of goals you want to achieve post holiday. You are more likely to achieve your goals if they are written down.
Do a healthy food shop. It is so effective going food shopping the day after you get back from a holiday as your mindset is more likely to be healthy, and you are less likely to get tempted by chocolates & sweets.
Make a food plan, try your best to stick to it. Get inspo from my Six Favourite Healthy Recipes blog.
Don’t beat yourself up if you cave on a sweet treat, it is likely you will because of the sugar consumption on holiday, your brain will want its sugar fix. But try and make the sugar fix a piece of fruit or a healthier option e.g. dark chocolate or a protein chocolate mousse. I have a hack on my Weekly Go To Meals blog.
These are my main tips for getting back to your fit and healthy self the week after a holiday. Mainly these tips just get my mindset in the right frame, and this is the most important part. If you are motivated, you will succeed. If you stick to it for the whole week, you will also be more motivated to persevere for a second week where you will really start seeing results.
Below here is a picture of myself the day I got back from my holiday, and then two weeks on. The difference isn’t major, but its definitely noticeable. This is my physique currently. Now that summer is coming to an end, I am really motivated to push myself harder and really get into the best shape I have ever been in, and I’m excited for the journey there. I will share all of my tips and progress along the way.