Client Spotlight - Alexa

Truly incredible!! My beautiful client Alexa and her 1.5 year transformation

Alexa came to me in April last year, we started her diet on 1,800 calories, we ended her diet on 1,600 calories one YEAR later. She had plenty of breaks anything ranging from a day to a week, some planned, some unplanned - the most important thing was if she had a day where she went very far over her calories, she didn’t beat herself up or starve herself the next day, she simply got back on track. Because we took it very slowly, she didn’t have to reduce her calories immensely

Fast forward to today (the picture on the right), Alexa has been through 3 months of a reverse diet, and she has now been maintaining for 4 months on 2300 calories - we are staying now slowly increasing her calories and entering into a building phase to increase her muscle mass.

THIS is the kind of transformation you should be looking for. No 8 week crazy unsustainable result - but a long term, incredible result that is here to stay! I don’t know about you but I would take a permanent transformation over a fast, but non permanent transformation any day

If you are not ready to change your lifestyle permanently - you are not ready full stop.

So incredibly proud of Alexa and so excited for more insane results to come 😍

Client Spotlight - Melina

Melina came to me not knowing a whole lot about strength training. She was already very fit and had been exercising all her life but was tired of not seeing the results she wanted.

We went through an 8 week body recomposition phase. We had her in a calorie deficit - but because she was new to strength training she was able to gain a decent amount of muscle at the same time. Just look at her progress!

Client Spotlight - Viktoria

Viktoria came to me wanting to lose some weight, create some more shape to her physique, and feel better about herself both mentally AND physically.

Viktoria was only eating 1700 cals in the left picture. So we brought her calories up slightly to 1900 for a few weeks, before dropping back down to 1700 in which she now achieved the physique on the left, her body responded to the calories super well and we managed to shed a few kilos. She is now maintaining the right physique on 2000+ calories after completing a successful reverse diet - we had a clear exit strategy in place. Now it’s time for her to get building. Give me time to guide you through every stage of your journey and you will see amazing results!

Client Spotlight - Becky

I worked with the gorgeous Becky for 12 weeks, she had reached her fat loss goal but she was struggling with maintaining her new weight and was wanting to change her shape. We focussed on slowly bringing her calories back up out of such an aggressive deficit, and I got her following a structured training program along with a main focus on increasing her protein intake. Here is what Becky has had to say on our experience working together

Tash has been absolutely brilliant. From the moment we had our first client discovery session, I knew she knew her stuff. Her training programmes are challenging but fun, and are also realistic around your lifestyle. 45 mins, 5 times a week home workouts for me, and the results are insane! I honestly couldn’t believe my body composition changes after just 12 weeks. It just shows that if you put the effort in, hit your protein goal and follow a training programme that has been put together by a knowledgable and honest coach, you’ll see results. Tash puts 100% into her clients and she expects the same back - setting me up to track consistently (data is queen as she says!) and regular WhatsApp calls to check in meant she was an incredible source of support.
— Becky, Online Client

Client Spotlight - Katerina

Kat and I have been working together since February of 2020. In August, she had lost a total of 18.4kg. This was above and beyond her goal of reaching the 70kgs zone for her weight. Kat is truly the perfect client, she was determined, dedicated, and PATIENT.

Here are a few words from her below…I included her message to me before she sent me her review because these words I feel are so special as well!

Well done for being amazing Kat!

It sounded so much better in my head and I wanted to write so much more. It made me emotional writing this and I want to tell you that this cant really express how grateful I am for you showing me the way because I must admit I was lost. I didn’t know what I needed to do to get my body back into shape although myself I am a ‘sports expert’. When it comes to your own needs, you need a fresh pair of eyes to set you straight!”

”I started working with Tash in February 2020. I wanted to lose weight as I had recently had a baby and get back into shape. I had some permanent injuries due to being an ex-professional athlete and Tash did a great job working around them. She developed a personalised training plan for me that targeted specific areas along with fat loss. In less than 6 months I lost over 16 kilos, my muscles are toned and my confidence is sky high. Tash stayed in touch even on her holidays and kept motivating me throughout the whole time we trained. I now feel lighter, healthy and so happy with myself. I will forever be grateful to Tash for bringing me back to the health and fitness route, helping me rediscover what matters in life - loving yourself and taking care of your body and your mind. Thank you Tash!
— Kat, PT Client
To put it simply Tash is a brilliant PT. During lockdown I signed up for her 3 month program doing 5/6 classes a week with a nutritional review. After having a 1-to-1 zoom call to discuss my diet, lifestyle and goals, Tash put together a personalised nutritional program for me that was totally achievable. I felt completely supported throughout the whole process and Tash was always there to answer any of my questions and gave me some great tips.
The classes were exactly what I was looking for. A great mixture of targeted area classes and HIIT and even though they were over Zoom, each class was put together amazingly. Each week they grew in intensity so I always felt like I was progressing and even after 1 month I could see a difference in my body shape. The routine of these classes during lockdown has been a complete life saver. Not only did I feel great physically but it really helped to keep a positive mental attitude. Being part of a group of girls all training and supporting each other was another element of this program I absolutely loved.
I would 100% recommend Tash to anyone looking for a personal trainer. The last 3 months have been super fun and informative. I’ve learnt so much about my diet and exercise and it’s totally changed my lifestyle for the better!
— Jess, PT Client
I’ve just done 12 weeks with Tasha and it’s been great. She’s always available for a chat. Always replies to all of my questions and checks in with me on a weekly basis. She’s so positive about everything. She turns every blip into positive energy and makes you feel great even when you picked some not so great foods to eat. She’s involve as much or as little as you need. I found that great as the ball is always in my court. Some weeks I needed loads of chat and advice and other weeks I was fine. I never felt pressure. If I wanted a Biscuit or some chocolate I had it and I honestly think that’s why I’ve stuck with it and lost weight gradually. Her Instagram is so informative and I love how Tasha does what I eat in a day, her daily updates are a breath of fresh air. Plus doggo updates are the best 🐾
Thanks so much Tasha ❤
— Tanya, Online Client
Tash is an amazing coach! Always working hard to reach her client’s goals. She is so motivating and never forced me to do anything I wasn’t comfortable with. She gives such positive energy and good sound advice backed by research - everything you want in a personal trainer :)

I used to be terrible at the gym, had a fear of lifting weights and never wanted to do anything but walk on a treadmill. Since working with Tash I have felt more confident in lifting weights, pushing myself and often find myself correcting my form. She gave me all the tools I needed to help myself.

I’ve felt my body transform over the last year and it is such an amazing experience. I feel so much stronger, confident and adept at working out by myself, something I’ve not had before. I realise this was the push I needed to change my lifestyle into a much happier healthier one.
— Banu - PT client
I have loved every second of it!! I’m gaining so much knowledge from you each week and cannot wait to see what the future holds!

I have learned that nutrition is equally as important as putting in the work at the gym!

My mindset has shifted sooo soo much! Years ago I used to think basically that you had to eat as little as possible to lose weight and turns out that could not be further from the truth! You have taught me that eating the right foods will contribute to your goals much more than restricting yourself ever could!

Honestly you are such a blessing I don’t think I have any sort of critiques!💗 If someone were to come to me to ask for advice and where they should get it I would 100000000% recommend you!! You have helped me change my lifestyle and I’m so very grateful! You mean the world to us!!💗💗💗 Love you lots Tash!

— Martina - Online Client