There is NOTHING wrong with YOU - you just don’t have the right guidance

Let me help guide you. Every hero needs a guide. Like the fairy godmother to Cinderella, Yoda to Luke Skywalker, or M to James Bond, I am here to guide you to victory. YOU are the main character, I am here to clear the path for you.

Ditch the fads, let me help you to your victory. You have tried and fallen too many times on your own - its time to seek your guide. It is time to finally get it right.

Why only RENT your results, when you can OWN them forever.

Renting means you will constantly be throwing money and time at the problem. But OWNING, means saving money and saving time further down the track. Short term investment, for long term gains. Time is your most valuable asset - stop wasting it.

Sick of renting? Fill out your pre-application form now

My Coaching Pillars:

  • Mindset is everything. If you have not mastered your mindset shift, you cannot master your physique shift. It really is that simple. I will teach you to implement a growth mindset, to become resilient, to not stop at the first hurdle, but to keep going, and to get back up every single time. This is what makes a champion, someone who doesn’t know how to quit. And THAT will be you.

  • Strength is key. Physically and mentally. As well as delivering you an unbreakable mindset, I will train you to build an unbreakable body. Every women deserves to be and to feel strong AF in every sense. Let’s get you squatting and deadlifting triple figures, let’s get you performing pull up on pull up, let’s get you feeling UNSTOPPABLE. My smart, structured and individualised programming will help you get there. I want you to feel empowered and confident every time you step into the gym, and my job is not done until you embody that version of you.

  • Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat forever. Education is the foundation of your physique. I have dedicated my career and life to continuously learning from the best, to bring you the most reliable, scientifically backed education to help you get the results you deserve in the best way possible. It is my duty to pass that knowledge onto you and teach you in a way that you can understand, and implement yourself. My goal is that in 6 months - 1 year, you will not need me, but you will love working with me so much that you will want to stay ;)

  • I want you to feel fulfilled from my coaching in every sense. Most importantly I want you to feel fulfilled from FOOD. Food is the single most important thing that determines your physique goal. I want to help you love food, not fear it. I want to help you value its importance, I want to help you nourish your body and feel full after every meal, and every day. I want to help get you out of a calorie deficit so you can truly start LIVING and unlock your full potential.

    I also want you to be fulfilled in your life. There is more to life than what you look like, and part of my job is to help you find the balance between achieving your goals, and also living your best life - believe me, you CAN and you SHOULD do both.


Want more? Follow me on Instagram! @tashafit_pt

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