HA Update - How its all going

Hey there! I hope everyone is well - I know it has been a while since I have written, I am still so awful when it comes to staying on track with my blogs. But I really wanted to sit down and write as I am now in week four of battling HA and I have actually noticed some HUGE changes. I still have no period, but I am honestly so confident that I will have it back within the next few months.

Firstly I want to talk about food - increasing the amount of healthy fats in my diet has made a crazy difference to my energy levels (I no longer need coffee to survive, crash throughout the day, or crave anything sugary that I need on the spot") which is amazing. It is a slow process for me, as I want to do this the right way, by increasing as much of my healthy foods as I can, less calorically dense, meaning I am basically always full, but still probably need to up my calories a bit more. But I am honestly loving life. Pretty much allowing myself all foods.

I always thought that if I just let go and allowed myself to eat whatever, I would just go crazy and eat all the bad things. But that has not been the case at all, I still crave all the normal meals my body seems to thrive off, I am just eating more of them! I eat when I feel hungry, I don’t constantly think about food, or my next meal or sweet fixes. I haven’t even wanted a pizza to be honest the whole time I have been doing this. And before I used to salivate at the thought of a Friday pizza. My relationship with food is on a whole new level. I have gained around a kilo, which is not lots, but I am taking it slow, and I want to gain steadily, especially as I think it is currently all going to my booty at the moment which I am not mad about. I can definitely also notice a bit on my face. And I do have times where I just want to stop and restrict as it is what I know. But I need to think about the long term, my mind, my bones, and my fertility.

Other things I am doing that seem to be helping that is not just an increase in calories;

  • food timing, eating based on my activity levels, e.g. eating before I am active, and after - so my body uses food to replenish my energy stores other than energy that is needed for other bodily functions a.k.a reproductive system. Intermittent fasting is a great tool for fat loss as leads to a reduction in calories, however for someone with an irregular or sensitive cycle, it is not a good tactic.

  • supplements: currently taking an anti inflammation supplement, a fish oil, a primrose oil, a vit D, a hair skin & nail, two brazil nuts a day, and a pre/probiotic, I think I will take a little longer to see results from the supps, but this is a long term process!

I can honestly say I am so happy at the moment. As long as I can remember, I have either been not aware of nutrition, or dieting (whilst not having the nutrition knowledge) - so I have never actually sat at maintenance for my body for a significant period of time. I am loving it. My skin is good, I feel happy, I don’t feel constantly tired, I feel I have enough energy to give my job 110% (which is so important for me), and TMI but my sex drive is through the roof, and my boobs have grown, which has to be a great sign of “things turning back on down there”.

So I am pushing on, and at this point in my life, if I gain a little more thats fine, its all a journey, and it wont be permanent, I want my body to find its sweet spot naturally.