How I got my period back after 1.5 years

I have been dreaming of writing this post since I wrote my first post about how I was combatting my condition back in the beginning of July.

So in reality, it took 5 months of work. But it has been so worth it. I did not realise how many things I was missing out on not getting my period. My body had basically reverted back to its pre-pubescent self.

Right now - bigger boobs, high sex drive, happier, stronger, fitter, more energetic, and I actually feel like myself, I feel like a woman.

I am only at the beginning of my journey as I have only had one period now, and it is going to take time to get my cycle back to regularity, so I am not stopping here and going to revert back to old ways. I am going to keep on pushing on with all the things I have implemented. It is still a process of getting my body to trust me again.

So let’s start from the beginning. I am going to talk about everything I have done, in the hope that maybe I can help someone else who is suffering. But I do have to disclaim that these are the things that worked for me - we are all individual so what worked for me may not work for you, but I hope to inspire ad guide you to the period path :)

It all really started with a shift in my mindset - I had done all the doctors appointments, come up with nothing, everything was normal, and the only explanation I had was that I exercised too much and to stop/go back on the pill. This was it. I had a huge shift in mindset at this point. I was on my own, the only person that could help me was me, and I needed to make a change. This brings me onto step number one

  1. MINDSET is everything. Sort of like losing weight, you have to be ready to gain. If you are not mentally prepared to do whatever it takes to get your period back, maybe don’t try yet. Shift your mentality first, otherwise you will not get where you need to be.

  2. EAT I have to say I think this is what has drastically changed the most for me. I just allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted. Now I have tracked for a long time and my diet is always generally healthy. I just prefer to eat that way. By giving yourself unconditional permission to eat everything, you probably wont go as crazy as you think. Just allow yourself. The main thing I did was increase the amount of healthy fats I ate, as well as slightly higher carb. (SIDE NOTE: Food as medicine: I have included 10g of flax seeds and 2 brazil nuts per day, high in phytoestrogens). Everything still from good sources. I also allowed myself to go out and eat whatever I felt like and drank what I wanted when out for dinner. This for me was actually more about relieving stress. Food no longer controls my life, I don’t stress about tracking etc. I started by increasing to about 2000 calories per day, and I am now probably up to 2800-3000 as my body was craving more and more and I have settled here, however I am not tracking so it could be more it could be less.

  3. WEIGHT GAIN this unfortunately is a must. It is also important to note that HA can happen to ANYONE. I am by no means of super low body fat and I was not when I lost my cycle. We just have different genetic set points and my body just performs better with more body fat. Gain that extra weight your body needs, this does not have to be permanent but it has to be right now. You can always think about cutting down again when the time is right e.g. no other stressors in your life, good routine, good workout schedule.

  4. REDUCE EXERCISE I finally managed to cut my exercise days down to twice per week, just strength training. This to be honest was the hardest for me. But your body needs REST. Try to keep your exercise days to maximum 45 mins working time. Don’t go for PB’s, go to your capacity but do not over exert yourself. On top of this you can walk to your hearts content. I walk at least 15,000 steps per day and walking is the only form of exercise that does not actually increase stress in your body.

  5. BREATHWORK I have been trying to meditate every day. Now I am no good at sitting for 10 minutes, so I am trying to do about three minutes of deep breathing every morning. This really just grounds and calms me, and helps regulate my cortisol levels. I have been practicing Wim Hof Breathing after reading Ross Edgley’s “Worlds Fittest Book”. We must recover as hard as we train. And breathing is a part of this. WIm Hof Breathing consists of 30 deep breaths, followed by one breath (hold your breath in as deep as you can until you start to gasp, then exhale), then hold your breath for 10 seconds before exhaling as a recovery breath. Repeat this up to three times. Make sure to practice on an empty stomach, in a quiet place and seated (you can get a little light headed, so I would not advise doing this out and about).

  6. SUPPLEMENTS I have been taking a whole load of supplements ranging from Vitamin D to cortisol balancing supps. I am not going to say what I am taking as these are specific to me, but I would say consult a naturopath so they can decide what would be best for you and your body. I have been working with Sara Jackson @sjhealth throughout this whole process and she has been amazing.

  7. ACCUPUNCTURE I have only had two sessions so far but I really believe this has helped, I am going to keep going back as this will help me on my next phase of regulating my cycle and making sure it comes back.

  8. REST Now I took three weeks off work, exercise and life basically. This was the week before I actually got my period, so I think this really was the catalyst that just brought everything together. I put on the most weight in this time, and just felt so calm, rested, got a lot of sun and just felt so present. So if you think you are close, just chill completely. Now we are going into lockdown in the UK, this may be the best time to do this.

Now if you want more personalised help, do not hesitate to get in touch with me. But the number one thing I can stay about this journey is: just be happy with your body the way it is, you are perfect, and the sooner you realise that, the sooner you will get your cycle back <3