The Fitness Industry - we need to make a change

What do you think when you hear fitness? Do you think, lean, shredded, low body fat %, abs, beauty/all of the above? If so, this makes me sad.

The fitness industry as we know it has basically turned into a glorified beauty contest, therefore if you don’t feel pretty enough, you may feel like you cant join, or are too afraid to even start.

Firstly, do not ever think you are not pretty enough or not good enough to be a part of something you want to be a part of, and this goes for anything in life. You are the only you there is, and this is a superpower. Secondly, fitness is not and should not be about aesthetics, it should be about loving your body, wanting to feel strong, be able to lift like a badass, and feel healthy whilst doing so. Notice nothing here has anything to do with what your physique looks like. A third note - the “beauty” standards in the fitness industry have become so warped and unrealistic that to even be in the running, you probably need to be on steroids, and have had a sh*t ton of plastic surgery done/face tuned your whole body and face before you post a pic on instagram. Please do not believe everything you see on social media, and even in real life.

Those who are “fitness”, dedicate their entire lives and banks to looking a certain way. You just cannot compare yourself to them, and I don’t think it is fair that these people are dominating the industry making everyone else feel inferior, seeing as they are less than 1% of the population. I personally think someone who is in the fitness space should uplift others who may not have the confidence to make a start, they should give them that confidence to jump in head first and feel GOOD about themselves. Not the opposite. This is just a short little tangent that I felt the need to write, but please do not feel like you do not belong, or you are not deserving of being a part of the fitness industry. You do deserve a place, just as much as ANYONE else. Lets re-brand the fitness industry, it should be about progression, strength, confidence, health and happiness. Not about aesthetics and fake beauty.

I am part of the fitness industry, and I will welcome you with open arms. I don’t have abs, fake lips, I am not shredded, BUT I am strong AF, I love to lift heavy and beat myself every time, and I love to help other women do the same. I am so passionate about helping everyone chase that FEELING, let’s get you there too.

The bottom line here is, do not let anyone tell you what you can or cannot be a part of. There is ALWAYS a place for you <3