This is a common downfall when it comes to hitting nutrition goals, is it one of yours?

In my experience with clients - one of their biggest struggles when it comes to nutrition is struggling when it comes to planning and preparing their meals. And if you fail to plan and prepare, you are preparing to fail.

Planning is essential, and it is where people fall so short! Why is that? I have found that with my clients, they seem to be trying to eat something different every single day. This means that they fall behind on their planning, which is understandable! We all have full time jobs, a lot of women I work with have kids. Adding a daily creative meal plan on top of this is exhausting! Especially if it is something you have not prepared before, it will be time consuming to prepare, track, source the ingredients etc etc. Not to mention the brain space it takes up trying to think of what you fancy to eat. You surely have enough decisions to make in a day, do not let your food choices be one of them.

Have you ever heard the expression “success leaves clues?” A lot of successful people literally own the same items of clothing hundreds of times over, because this eliminates decision fatigue when it comes to choosing what to wear. There is no choice, it’s the same thing they know looks good on them, they know it works, and they can save that precious brain space for more important things during the day.

I am a BIG believer of doing this with food. Let’s say you have 3-5 meals you LOVE. You know they fit into your macros, you are a speedy Gonzalez at making them because you have done it countless times before. Whats wrong with having these on rotation? If you do not get bored of eating the same things, go for it. Just because you think it’s more ‘socially acceptable’ to eat a variety of foods, if it is hindering your progress, stop it right now. Hehe.

I personally consume about 4 or 5 different meals on rotation, it saves me SO much time, keeps me within my calorie targets, and it is already preloaded in my fitness pal so when it comes to plugging all my food in the night before, it is SO quick and easy. I can then use my brain power towards more efficient things like looking after my clients, creating content, and working on my app.

Give it a go, and if you do get bored, you can always go for something different. But trust me, if you love to eat the same things again and again and you are a creature of habit like me - this is going to be a golden ticket for you.