How to change Binge Eating Behaviours/Habits

Hey all! Happy Thursday. I wanted to grace you’re screens today with the subject of binge eating. I sent this out to my subscribers on my email list yesterday but I honestly think the topic is super important that it needs a wider audience! I hope you enjoy and please share with someone who may be struggling or need to hear this. I hope you enjoy the read and gain some useful information to take with you and change your habits <3

I do post a lot more to my email subscribers, little gems like this once a week - so if you want to hear more from me, go ahead and subscribe :) it would mean the world. With that being said, hope you enjoy the read:

I think it is safe to say all of us at one time have taken part in some sort of binge eating behaviour, and this is fine, this is normal. But it is when it becomes a pattern, when you are constantly trying to lose weight but end up giving up and going on a regular weekend, week or even month long binge, that we know something needs to change.

I want to share with you some tips to help you get out of this cycle, and ultimately get out of your diet!

I am sure 99% of you reading this are on some sort of diet, but ladies, we are not meant to live in a calorie deficit! It is not fun, it is literally restricting our body from getting the proper fuel it needs and THIS is why we end up over eating, and get stuck in the cycle.

So here is the first thing I want you to do, stop your diet now. If you still have a little bit more weight to shift, give yourself an end date, and stop then, BUT if the weight has not been shifting and you are restricting and restricting and getting nowhere, it’s time to throw in the towel. Now here is the thing, you can always come back to a diet, it is not going anywhere, it is always going to be there, but surely if your relationship with food is better, your metabolism is functioning optimally because you have been fuelling your body, the diet will work a lot better, be a lot easier and maybe even fun, why would you not wait. This sounds much more appealing than being miserable and making no progress.

It is important to note you have not failed, if you stop a diet before your desired goal. There is no pressure! Do it in your own time, you are only doing this for you, so be your own best friend through the diet process.

The second thing to do is practice mindful eating, I have just posted about this on my instagram. Let your brain process the fact you have just had a full meal by really being present. Switch off the tv, switch off your phone, and ENJOY your food. It is meant to be pleasurable.

Binge eating is a bad habit, so we want to replace this habit with something else. Identify the times you usually have a binge, and I want you to try and do something else here instead to fill the time e.g. make yourself a yummy warm cup of tea, put on a face mask, meditate for 5-10 minutes - think of something you enjoy that is not food related.

Lastly, try setting a timer for 20 minutes when you feel the urge to binge. If you still want food after this, then go for it, but you will likely eat a lot less or not want to eat at all. Bingeing is all about instant gratification, so when the need passes, you do not really feel the urge anymore.

Part B of this last point is that if you still feel the urge, maybe you are hungry, eat a nutritious meal, and make sure you are fuelling your body enough. As I said get out of that diet mentality and start nourishing your body. Bingeing is your body’s way of telling you it’s not quite happy. So listen to it and make the necessary changes!

I hope you found this useful, just wanted to share with you my tips for this - and if you are suffering and want more personalised guidance, you can ALWAYS reach out to me. I am still offering 10% off my online coaching services so just head to my shop page! APRIL20 is the code :)

Lots of love to all! From Tash xxx