The results process

The results process

I thought I would touch on this topic, as people have probably started a new fitness regime in lockdown, and we are now 7 or 8 weeks in (I cant even remember I’ve stopped counting), and this is where progress may be starting to slow down. Seeing results is a very touch and go process for many, we think it is smooth sailing. But in actual fact, the progress is not linear, it’s an up and down journey.

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Some little tips on how to keep fit at home - Covid-19 Edition

Some little tips on how to keep fit at home - Covid-19 Edition

I can appreciate if you are having to work from home and social distance, this can be pretty f*cking boring and de-motivating. So I really want to do my part and help you in terms of staying on track health and fitness wise. I want to provide you with some exercise ideas you can do in your own home, and some nutritional guidance to follow for when you are forced to stay quite sedentary.

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