My go-to meals when trying to gain muscle

If you follow me in instagram you will know that I am currently trying to gain as much size as possible before summer. Let me tell you, it is hard. Having to eat basically 5 times a day when on such a busy schedule has proved to be quite challenging. As well as always being full, and feeling like I am always eating. But I love food so for me the positives outweigh the negatives.

If you bulk properly, with a clean, healthy diet, you are not likely to gain too much fat. But it is inevitable that you will gain something. For the past week, I have been consuming around 2,000 - 2,300 calories and my weight has actually stayed exactly the same, it hasn’t gone up all week, and my body fat % has gone down. So for me, I have figured out that this is around my ‘lean gains’ levels. And let me tell you, my body absolutely thrives off this amount of food. I feel great in terms of energy, the way I look, how strong I am in the gym and my skin and mental clarity is so good. However, in order to gain more muscle a little bit more quickly, I would like to increase my intake to about 2,400-2,500. This will be a little bit more of a challenge but I am here for it. I just need to focus on getting in more calorie dense meals during the day.

I am going to take you through a day of eating at 2,100 calories. Meals, snacks and all in between. This is what I thrive off and I have figured out through trial and error that these calories are the right amount for me, my job and my active lifestyle. If you need help calculating your macros, please message me and I can help, because they are specific to everyone, do not follow how much I consume and think it will work for you, this is just for guidance and inspo.

Meal 1: Spirulina protein oats with blueberries and cinnamon

  • Calories: 458

  • Protein: 33g

  • Carbs: 46g

  • Fat: 16g

50g oats, 1 serve of Free Soul choc vegan protein powder, 150g boiling water, 15g peanut butter, cinnamon, ground ginger and 5g honey, 15-30g blueberries

Soak oats in water overnight, then stir through all the other ingredients when ready to eat


Meal 2: Tuna and avocado on crispbread

  • Calories: 261

  • Protein: 15g

  • Carbs: 16g

  • Fat: 16g

65g tinned tuna in oil, 50g avocado, two gluten free crisp bread crackers


Meal 3: Sea bass with sweet potato, rice and broccoli

  • Calories: 532

  • Protein: 27g

  • Carbs: 45g

  • Fat: 28g

1 seabass fillet, oven baked sweet potato (100g) and broccoli (40g), 25g avocado, 25g reduced fat hummus, 50g brown rice grain mix


Meal 4: Buckwheat pasta with creamy cashew/avocado sauce, chicken and chickpeas

  • Calories: 579

  • Protein: 40g

  • Carbs: 49g

  • Fat: 24g

60g buckwheat pasta, 120g chicken breast poached, 30g red bell pepper, 50g chickpeas

Sauce: 50g avocado, 10g basil, 15g cashew nuts, 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil, a handful of spinach


Meal 5: 0% fat greek yoghurt with protein powder

  • Calories: 196

  • Protein: 31g

  • Carbs: 14g

  • Fat: 3g

100g fat free fage greek yoghurt, 1 serve of free soul vegan protein powder


I hope you enjoyed this read, I love posting food related content as I am so passionate about nutrition and I want to help everyone gain the important knowledge they need about food and nutritional content so that we can all live our best, and healthiest lives. If you eat good, you can’t help but feel good, it is as simple as that. I want everyone to experience this. There is no better feeling than helping people transform their lives for the better, and that is exactly why I do what I do :)

Please share this blog for someone who you think may benefit, and send anyone my way if you think they are ready to hit reset on their health and fitness, I am here to help <3