The Beginners Guide to Flexible Dieting

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The Beginners Guide to Flexible Dieting


This guide is anything and everything you need to know about flexible dieting. It is tried and tested methods that have have been successful with countless women I have worked with over the years and for myself.

This guide is for the woman (or man) who has tried every fad diet. Who has been unhappy with how they look for years, who is fed up with putting in all this unattainable work and never seeming to achieve an outcome or being able to keep their desired outcome. This guide is for you if you want to educate yourself, you want to take control of your own fitness and health journey, you are in it for the long haul, you are willing to put in the time and effort that is required to achieve the desire you want. You are consistent (80%) of the time, you are striving to be just 1% better every day, you are PATIENT.

This guide includes everything from how to workout your calorie targets, how to build, maintain or cut, how to track your calories successfully and a few of my personal favourite recipes that I love!

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*Disclaimer - this is a guide. It is there to guide you. I am not a nutritionist and I am not here to tell you what to eat, or what time to eat, or how much to eat. I am simply here to give you the tools you need to discover your own successful journey.

We are all different and that is what makes us so special, what works for me may not work exactly for you. This is why I would much rather give you the tools as opposed to giving you the answer. The answer is different for everyone.